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Friday, 29 April 2011

Kate Winslet’s the New Face of St. John

Kate Winslet’s the New Face of St. John
 When St. John replaced Angelina Jolie with a string of models, most notably Karen Elson, they made it clear they were going in search of their roots.
They’d gotten lost along the way, chasing the youth factor, hiring an actress instead of Kelly Gray to be their face and re-working their stable of classics.  But now it appears as if they’ve steadied, and they’re jumping back on the A-list bandwagon.  It makes sense that the first face of the new St. John would be Kate Winslet.
Winslet’s one of the few A-list actors who feels accessible—everyone loves her even though she’s gorgeous, wealthy and ridiculously talented.  She’ll appeal to the classic St. John customer as well as a younger crowd, and the other brand she reps, Lancome, is perfectly aligned with St. John.


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