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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Eddie Borgo Insect Jewelry Collection

Eddie Borgo jewelry 2011
Eddie Borgo Insect Jewelry Collection

Every woman wants accessories that look different and stand out from accessories that other women are wearing. Eddie Borgo knows this which is why he came out with a new Fall collection for jewelry for the year of 2011. This jewelry features different insects. This is truly a great style for those of you women that are fascinated with nature and bugs.
You will find various types of jewelry pieces with this style, including, rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. The best part about this style is that the insect features are not too obvious. You must observe the jewelry to realize what the pattern is on it. This is a truly unique collection that will be much appreciated by the fans of Eddie Borgo.
Eddie Borgo jewelry collection fall 2011
Eddie Borgo jewelry
Eddie Borgo 2011 jewelry fall collection
Eddie Borgo jewelry fall 2011


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